22 February 2010
0 comments is selling
Up (Single Disc Widescreen)
version for $9.49 shipped. This is a $5 price drop from the classic price this movie has been retailing for. For those that haven't seen the movie yet it is a fantastically clever Pixar film about a grumpy old man who lines his house with balloons while taking off on adventure. Often with children's films I always find it important to figure out what age it is geared towards. I would say there are some advanced concepts later in the film - as to say this film does have notable villain. I would equate it to the first Toy Story movie in terms of its target age range. While I personally enjoyed the film, especially the redemptive themes, after viewing I decided the ending had concepts I would not want my toddlers viewing until I was able to explain or talk about the movie with them.
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