Quantcast Taylor Swift's original album "Taylor Swift" is on sale for $5, plus her newest album Fearless is also on sale for $6.75. Best Deals Reviews Freebies Coupons - MightyBuying.com

Taylor Swift's original album "Taylor Swift" is on sale for $5, plus her newest album Fearless is also on sale for $6.75.

While this album blew up, has made her a huge hit, and country musics fastest rising star - I must ask why do you name your first album after... well... yourself? Taylor Swift's first album Taylor Swift is on sale for $5. This album has all her original hits from Tear Drops on my Guitar, to Tim McGraw, to Picture to Burn, and 12 other songs. I mean at this price Kanye West is even interested in buying the album. If you want to further geek out your Taylor Swift collection you can get her 2nd album Fearless for $6.75. That would end up being 28 Taylor Swift songs for a grand total of $11.75 - That's less then one of these CDs would cost you in store.

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