19 January 2010
0 comments is selling the
Magellan Maestro 4700 4.7-Inch Widescreen Bluetooth Portable GPS Navigator
for $139.99. This offer is for one day only as the Amazon Gold Box deal of the day. This GPS normally sells for around $190. Also if you buy this GPS you can also add a
Magellan Traffic Link for Subscription-Free Traffic for RoadMate 1210, 1220, 1340, 1440, 1470, 4700
for only $10's after discount when purchased with the GPS Navigator. This GPS has a ton of unique bells and whistle from it being voice activated and having standard ZAGAT ratings of Restaurants, Hotels, Etc installed into the GPS, and predictive traffic - which analyizes trends and patterns in a cities traffic to come up with the optimal driving route.
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Electronics: Computers Video Games GPS