Quantcast Tire sale: Get $70 back by mail in rebate when you buy 4 Michelin Tires. Best Deals Reviews Freebies Coupons - MightyBuying.com

Tire sale: Get $70 back by mail in rebate when you buy 4 Michelin Tires.

Sears is having a sale on their tires from now until Christmas day. If you buy 4 Michelin Tires you will be able to qualify for a $70 mail in rebate. Just a quick tip for those who might be purchasing tires, make sure before you have them installed, you double check what year the tire was made. Tire installers will be able to let you know. Tires made longer then 6 years ago are considered old tires [because Rubber naturally drys out], even if they haven't been used. Sometimes retailers stock is quite a few years old, and all the tires are being displayed as new. Save yourself from buying old tires by being informed and asking before hand.

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