Flip UltraHD camcorder review
05 September 2009
What we like about the Flip UltraHD Camcorder
The Flip UltraHD Camcorder has become the foremost name in its class. The reason it has risen to the top is simplicity, video quality, and durability. This is a great camera to have as a parent. It can store easily in a purse or pocket, and as any parent knows - especially during the early years there are moments you want to preserve on an either daily or weekly basis. Cameras like this one thrive for that type of user.
A few specific positives is that this camera can easily mount on flat surfaces. Do you want to get yourself into a scene? You won't need to do the classic arm extended move of other cameras. You could place this camera on a table, countertop or other surface and get stable video quality. The audio is also a plus. A few years ago I bought a Sanyo device for $700. While the video quality was great, and the form factor was fantastic... the device had terrible audio. That's not the case with the flip.
I enjoy the fact that this camera takes AA batteries. With my laptop and cell phone the last thing I want is another item I have to worry about being on the charger all the time. If you want to make it rechargeable, then get rechargeable batteries. It's left up to you. Finally the software for the flip is top rate. It works on both a PC and Mac and makes uploading video to youtube, facebook, or other networks worry free. Not everyone has high end video editing software, so you'll be thankful for their due diligence if you fall under that category.
Where the Flip UltraHD Camcorder
can improve
The camera has no SD card slot. So this isn't a camera for a month long europe trip, unless you bring along a laptop for storage. But depending on what model you get an hour to two hours of video should be plenty for most week to two week long vacations. Another negative is that the camera won't easily hook up to your television right out of the box. It'll connect to your computer with ease, but they didn't extend that feature to the TV. The easiest route would probably be to burn the video onto a DVD or purchase accessories to make connecting it to the TV easier.
The Final Verdict on the Flip UltraHD Camcorder
As a parent I love this camera. This can be left out all day for those special moments you can't plan for. It doesn't need to be hidden away in an expensive case and only see the light of day during staged moments. This camcorder catches the moments you weren't expecting.
Here is a little preview of what I'm talking about. This video was shot at night, in a dark room, with the previous model that didn't have the HD 720p video quality. I show it because I think it's a great example of being able to capture the improv moments in life. Also because no matter what Flip model you might buy... this is about the WORST your video can look and sound... and it still excels.
Read other reviews about the Flip UltraHD Camcorder on Amazon.com
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